It finally rained! It's been a crazy hot summer in Vancouver & momma was missing her rainy afternoons & shiny yellow boots. We broke some kind of record for the most days without rain in over 40 years which means all the lush green that I so love about living on the wet coast was… Continue reading Rainboots and Summer Bugs
Category: Life etc.
Happy Canada Day!
Our big plans for Canada's birthday include working, then hanging out with friends & more than likely drinking a few beers while we watch the fireworks late tonight. Holidays that fall in the middle of the week are always kind of odd & the mister is working a full day, but between my sister's birthday… Continue reading Happy Canada Day!
Ahhhh Summer
I hate reading blog posts where the blogger apologizes for not posting much lately & don't want to start this one off by doing just that because, well...yawn. Snooze fest. Nobody wants to read about how busy you are unless you're actually posting interesting links and photos about what's been keeping you so busy. And… Continue reading Ahhhh Summer
Birthday Blue Jays
Now that the birthday girl has already received it, I can share the little package I put together for my grandma's big day on Monday. Her favorite baseball team (& bird) are the Blue Jays, so I doodled an illustration for her and then added a splash of color with very watered down acrylic paints.… Continue reading Birthday Blue Jays
It’s Oh So Loud In Here
I have so much really really good stuff going on right now, but also just so. much. stuff. I feel like snuggling in between the pug and the white dog butt & hiding from everyone for a few days. I keep catching myself fantasizing about coming home to a quiet space with no clutter, no… Continue reading It’s Oh So Loud In Here
Kids Art Event this Saturday
I'm going to be trying something new this weekend & selling my work at an art show hosted by a trendy children's shop in Surrey, BC. This should be quite a different crowd than the craft shows I've done in the past & it'll be interesting to see how my work is received. I don't… Continue reading Kids Art Event this Saturday
Shop of the Week
Goodness! While I've been busy painting up a storm over here, Vickie & the lovely folks of the Etsy Twitter Team have named Cagey Bee the Shop of the Week! You can check out my interview here > Meanwhile in Cagey Bee land, I'm packaging up orders, trying to finishing paintings for my show (which… Continue reading Shop of the Week
Look Out Pug!
The cutest puppy evah is on his way! My sister is coming up to Vancouver for a couple of days to celebrate my nephew's birthday. I'm thrilled because we haven't been able to see them much lately & after our car window got smashed this week, our plans were foiled again. But they are on… Continue reading Look Out Pug!
Life in Progress
What a crazy few days! Between getting ready for my group show next month, promoting the Etsy Twitter Team Sidewalk Sale and somehow ending up trying to organize a Canadian Etsy seller giveaway I've pretty much given up on sleeping. I worked for 20 hours straight yesterday, only breaking to dash out to see a… Continue reading Life in Progress
Gettin’ My Cuddle On
This is Kiero, otherwise known as The White Dog (Who Is Afraid of Cameras). We were snuggling this morning & I was doing my gazing lovingly at her/creepy stalker stare & somehow managed to slide out of bed, grab my camera & snap a pic before she woke up & hid under the covers. Score!… Continue reading Gettin’ My Cuddle On