Life etc.

Pandemic Update

Hello friends!

Ever since the pandemic forced us to pack up our table at Granville Island back in March 2020, my life has been pretty much flipped upside down. Selling my work at in-person events (like festivals, markets, craft fairs & art shows) is 80% of my income. Shutting down was scary, but I understood we all had to do our part. Remember “2 weeks to bend the curve”? Yikes! In hindsight it seems obvious, but at the time, I had no idea that 2 years later we still wouldn’t be back to normal. 🙁

I know I fared better than a lot of people. I’m healthy. My partner, John, is healthy. My extremely high risk parents are fine. I have a lot to be grateful for!

But I’m not gonna lie…it’s been really fucking hard.

We’ve been able to keep limping along by selling online in my Etsy shop & doing commissions, but it has really felt like one blow after another. From supply chain issues to retail shop partners closing down to losing several friends & family members, it’s been rough. And lonely! I didn’t realize how much I’d miss my Granville Island family – both the wonderful artists I’ve worked beside for many years plus all of the customers that used to stop by my table to say hello.

While it looks like Granville Island may never reinstate the “Day Vendor” & let us set up our table again, it does look like craft fairs are coming back. Hopefully I will have good news to share soon! I’m applying for several shows & can’t wait to see your faces again.

Hope you’re hanging in there too!

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