I love fall. Sure, the beach & sundresses & cold iced tea are all wonderful things, but there's something about this time of year when the weather begins to turn cooler that feels like home to me. I'm a hermit at heart, so crisp fall weather, warm cozy sweaters & hot cups of coffee in… Continue reading I Love Fall
Category: Life etc.
Squeezing the Last Drops Out of Summer
It has been so sunny & lovely in Vancouver the last few days that it hardly feels like September at all, though the huge influx of cars lining my neighborhood streets & the number of people interrupting my morning walk with the puppies alerted me to the fact that school is back in session. Even… Continue reading Squeezing the Last Drops Out of Summer
Summer Loving
This summer is just zooming by! We've had such a beautiful August & I've been making an effort to take advantage of every last bit of it. Between setting up to sell my work at the outdoor markets every weekend (& doing prep work all week to make sure I have plenty of things to… Continue reading Summer Loving
If You Can’t Say Anything Nice…
It's been a pretty dismal summer over here in the Pacific Northwest, which hasn't left me much to blog about. Vancouver has been cool, almost like spring instead of summer. We've had only a handful of what I'd consider hot days & only one of those has been on a weekend. For the first time… Continue reading If You Can’t Say Anything Nice…
Welcome to Harrison Lake!
Welcome to Harrison Lake!, a photo by acageybee on Flickr.
Winnipeg Bound!
still life homework for my summer painting class Happy summer everyone! My days have been stuffed pretty full as of late with 7 market dates booked in June (7!!), 2 sets of houseguests, much unpacking plus 2 art classes at Emily Carr University. This has all been leading up to a well-deserved vacation as I… Continue reading Winnipeg Bound!
Soggy Saturday
Soggy Saturday, a photo by acageybee on Flickr.> > >
It's taking me much longer to get unpacked & settled into my new pad than I anticipated, partly because I've got piles of work to catch up on & partly because I really need to buy new furniture before the office/studio sorting can finish up. I've got more space now, but I'm lacking the handy… Continue reading Slowly…
Settling In
Please excuse the mess! Princess Sparkle is doing a fabulous job of supervising the unpacking process, though unfortunately could not rescue us from the hell that was moving on the weekend. Moving is an exercise in exhaustion at the best of times, but we managed to fall into that special ring of hell in the… Continue reading Settling In
East Van Wilder
Taking a gander out my window yesterday afternoon I spotted this wily guy, just hanging out on my sidewalk: I love that a city the size of Vancouver has maintained so much green space that us city dwellers still get regular run ins with coyotes, raccoons & skunks, but in the middle of the afternoon… Continue reading East Van Wilder