I love fall. Sure, the beach & sundresses & cold iced tea are all wonderful things, but there’s something about this time of year when the weather begins to turn cooler that feels like home to me.
I’m a hermit at heart, so crisp fall weather, warm cozy sweaters & hot cups of coffee in my studio go together swimmingly. I don’t feel guilty about staying inside & painting away the afternoon like I sometimes do in the summer. When you live in the Pacific Northwest, there’s an odd pressure when the sun shines to get outside! Do something active!!! It feels positively criminal to sit inside at my desk when I could be playing tennis or biking the sea wall or…I don’t know…doing yoga atop a kayak.
Fortunately, my dogs drag me outside at least 3 times per day for walks – rain or shine. While walking through the park today I noticed the trees dropping these large reddish brown nuts. I’m not sure what kind of trees they are, but between the inky black crows and the bushy-tailed squirrels flitting among the branches, the nuts fell every few seconds making the loveliest thwunk sound. It was a dense, rich sound & sometimes you could see a little flutter of movement as one landed in a pile of yellowing leaves.
I love all the changing seasons, spring especially, but I have a special place in my heart for fall. That kind of nut looks like an acorn, and it’s probably an oak tree. 🙂
There is something good about having dogs to drag you out every single day whether you like it or not, isn’t there? It’s good for you.