Have I mentioned how much fun I've been having making new fancy schmancy jewelry? I've been doing the Scrabble tile pendants for a little over a year now, and while they'll always have a place in my heart (so light & cute & fun), I'm smitten with my newest creations. Making jewelry is such a… Continue reading Schmancy Pendants
Category: Life etc.
Not Dead!
Almost dead, but not quite! I've been so sick over the last few days that I not only missed my gallery opening at Jem Cordova, but I also missed out on the Dunbar Craft Fair - the one I juried for back in June! Argh! Getting sick is so frustrating when you're self-employed. Not only… Continue reading Not Dead!
Naughty, Not Nice
I'm taking part in a group show opening this Friday at the Jem Gallery here in Vancouver. It promises to be great fun with a "Naughty, Not Nice" theme and art that is cash & carry, just in time for your xxxmas shopping. Heehee! Since my girls tend to be more cute than sexy, it… Continue reading Naughty, Not Nice
Island in the Rain
I spent the last few days visiting my parents on a tiny island off the coast of BC called Thetis Island. My dad retired in the summer and the first step on their new adventure was to sell everything, rent a cabin for 1 year and move to BC. This was my first chance to… Continue reading Island in the Rain
We had a pretty mellow Halloween this year that started off with some pumpkin carving. I usually like to do it a few days ahead of time, but since the boy had hockey every night this week, it just didn't happen. Instead Saturday afternoon was devoted to decorating & the scooping of pumpkin guts while… Continue reading Halloweening
All The Leaves Are…Pugs?
It's that time of year again! I thought the trees lining our street were really beautiful in the summer when we first moved into our new place. That was before they started falling off in massive quantities. Fortunately I have a helper pug to make the raking of leaves go...well, not easier, but definitely cuter!
I’m An Evil Pet Owner
With Halloween just a few days away, I dug out our costumes & decorations, bought pumpkins for carving, and then...the pet torture began. I don't make them wear the costumes for more than a few minutes, but it's worth it just for snapping pics that I can refer back to whenever I need a laugh.… Continue reading I’m An Evil Pet Owner
Drumroll Please…
And the winner of my Etsy Anniverary giveaway is... Lucky commenter numero 4 - Char Anderson. A big thanks to all my commenters & well wishers, plus to random.org, home to those smartypants who built the random number generator. I really appreciated the comments on things that *you* love too & now have a few… Continue reading Drumroll Please…
Thanksgiving Feast
Yesterday was Thanksgiving for us Canucks (I know...we like to get a jump on things) and since it was just going to be me, my mister & the boy, we opted for going out for dinner instead of cooking at home. Before moving out to BC we were accustomed to big family dinners with uncles… Continue reading Thanksgiving Feast
Of Snails and Skunks
I had the strangest day yesterday & it fit in quite nicely with the book I currently have checked out of the library: Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There. It started with finding a snail in the middle of my backyard, his shell shattered on the concrete path. I'm guessing a sea gull… Continue reading Of Snails and Skunks