Have I mentioned how much fun I’ve been having making new fancy schmancy jewelry? I’ve been doing the Scrabble tile pendants for a little over a year now, and while they’ll always have a place in my heart (so light & cute & fun), I’m smitten with my newest creations.
Making jewelry is such a different skill set than painting, so it’s been fun to learn something new and experiment with being creative in a totally different way – which beads to use, which charms, antiquing & getting different patina effects…lots to play with!
The new pendants have been popular at my local craft shows, so I’m having trouble staying on top of what inventory I have and getting it photographed and up in my Etsy shop. Since I personally antique the brass setting and add different beads and charms, each one really is unique and needs its own listing. They’ve been selling too quickly, which is, of course, a wonderful thing! 🙂
I have 2 more days at Simon Fraser University this week, then Got Craft on the weekend and THEN I can get back to focusing on my Etsy shop – which is just about too late for Christmas shopping! The last few weeks have flown by. I’m looking forward to the craft show madness to slow down so I can turn my attention to getting my own house gussied up for the holidays. The mister’s parents are coming out to visit, so there’s a little extra pressure this year. I’m kind of looking forward to curling up with the December issues of Real Simple and Martha Stewart, plus my stand-by cookbooks to plan something special. Yes, I am a dork like that.
What’s your favorite holiday recipe?
I adore the print I bought from you of the girl with mask and raccoon at SFU. Still hoping the original is available at some point.
Will start checking your Etsy shop, too. Cool stuff. Thank you!