Blerg. I'm feeling wildly unproductive & uncreative right now, in part because the awesomeness of the Home & Garden Show totally kicked my ass (thank you, rad customers!) & partly due to a nasty cold that I seem unable to shake (& by "shake" I mean "unable to stop the sieve that is my nose… Continue reading Moving to Crazyville
Category: Life etc.
Home and Garden Show
A peek at my booth at the. Vancouver Home & Garden Show - March 2nd to 6th.
I am very happily writing this post from my hotel balcony overlooking one of the gorgeous beaches of Hawaii. Aloha! This is my first trip to Hawaii and so far I can wholeheartedly say, it does not disappoint. My parents have a timeshare dealie, so they invited us to join them for a spell. The… Continue reading Aloha!
Goodbye, Sweet Girl
Kiero (named after the Spanish phrase "te quiero") I've been putting off making this post for weeks now because I didn't feel up to talking about it, but it's never going to be "easy", so here goes. Kiero, often referred to as The White Dog, passed away last month. Her health had been going downhill… Continue reading Goodbye, Sweet Girl
L.A. Vacay
After a few days of catching up with my pug snuggling, I've perused my L.A. vacation pics & determined two things: 1) I really shouldn't be posting dorky holiday photos on my professional (*snort*) blog. 2) I am not photogenic. As soon as a camera appears, I make the dorkiest faces! So. With those 2… Continue reading L.A. Vacay
Greetings From California!
Greetings from California! I drove from Vancouver, BC all the way to Los Angeles a few days ago & have to say, I should have packed warmer clothes! L.A. itself is lovely, but I saw quite a bit of snow on the drive through northern California, much to the confusion of several Americans I've spoken… Continue reading Greetings From California!
Happy 2011!
Happy New Year my little bees! I've been spending the last few days in a sort of nesting mode - reflecting on 2010, making plans & dreaming up goals for 2011, tidying my space & generally soaking up the quiet that comes after a very busy holiday shopping season. For most retail businesses, online as… Continue reading Happy 2011!
Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays! Originally uploaded by acageybee The Christmas pug wishes you a very merry Christmas & a happy new year!
Fur Babies Getting Older
I've been having a hard couple of days, going back & forth between tears, guilt & worry. The white dog, officially named Kiero after the Spanish phrase "Te quiero" (though we never call her that), is getting older. She's always been a picky eater, but over the last 6 months or so has stopped eating… Continue reading Fur Babies Getting Older
Happy Thanksgiving!
This weekend is Canadian Thanksgiving, which means big family dinners abound & no school on Monday (though I'll still be working). Our extended family are all scattered a bit too far apart to get together this year (plane rides would be necessary), so it looks like it will be a quiet celebration round these parts.… Continue reading Happy Thanksgiving!