Events, Vancouver

Got Rain?


I’m sorry to report that the Got Craft show I was supposed to be attending tomorrow afternoon has been canceled on account of our crappy weather. That’s the problem with these outdoor shows…while the farmers might be able to get away with a bit of rain, artists selling papergoods don’t fare quite so well!

I’m crossing my fingers for better weather next Sunday, when I have a table booked for Britannia’s Artful Sundays market:


August 16th – noon to 5 pm

Britannia Community Centre courtyard

Napier @ Commercial Drive

Also next week, I’ll be showing off 3 small paintings in Vancouver’s Wee Show – a gigantic art show featuring 50 artists showing off work up to a maximum of 8″ x8″ in size. It should be great fun with rad DJs, drinks &, of course, fantabulous art.


August 15th, 2009
9 pm to late
Box Studios (1622 Franklin Street)

$8 @ the door

You can RSVP on the Facebook event page.

And since I’m starting to lose track of how many markets & shows I’m participating in, I made up a quick & dirty events page for the blog.

Did you know you can see my paintings in Atlanta this month? And Toronto? I just need a show across the pond & I could rename myself the International Bee of Mystery!

‘Course I already get into enough trouble with the initials k.g.b. I suppose I don’t need to add IBM into the mix. šŸ˜‰

1 thought on “Got Rain?”

  1. Hiee there…it’s my first time here and i love your bubble space. šŸ™‚ Your art work is amazing! Have a lovely shows and a merry happy day! Love to you!

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