The Pros:
+ Got me out of my studio/bedroom and into the Vancouver art scene
+ Saw some very cool local art work from a wide variety of artists I probably wouldn’t have sought out on my own. For example, Eleanor Hannan is an amazing textile artist that basically paints with thread. From a distance, her pieces look like paintings made up of tiny deliberate brush strokes. When you move closer you realize each “stroke” is actually a stitch of thread. Lovely!
+ Talked to some interesting folks and had more random conversations in 4 hours than I’ve had all month (let’s say last month since it’s only the 4th). A shout out to Richard who filled me in on the open mic night happening Tuesday nights at Lugz coffee lounge (2525 Main).
The Cons:
– Got seriously soaked. Sideways. Even in my rubber boots, rain was coming from all angles and soaking the back of my legs, nevermind my bean.
– Got (ironically) stung by a bee. WTF? I haven’t been stung by anything since I was a kid at Girl Guide camp! Right through my stripey leggings, the inside of my knee is sporting a burning red welt. Don’t they know I’m ONE OF THEM???
– Realized how difficult it is to talk to random people on the street. Most Vancouverites want to rush right past you, eyes down, headphones on or cell phone strapped to their ear. It was disheartening to really pay attention to how isolated most people walk through life. I get that people don’t want to be hassled on their way to the dentist or grocery store or whatever by someone trying to sell them something, but this is free! And fun. And right on the street they’re walking on, right now.
The exceptions to this rule were what made the day worth doing because I did meet some very cool people. And I learned something about myself too – I’m much more comfortable talking to homeless people or those on the outskirts of society than I am anybody else. Not sure why that is, but over and over today, those were the people who returned my smile and were open to conversation. The other notables were little old ladies who seemed quite happy to take a pamphlet and check out some art and the “alternative” folks that uniformly were polite and willing to take a moment with me.
To the rest of Vancouver – I hope you got to where you were going quickly & efficiently, but might I suggest stopping to at least consider smelling the roses once in a while? You never know when there might be something really cool going on right in your own neighborhood!