The studio has become a regular zoo this past week with all sorts of critters popping up on the tip of my paintbrush. Excuse the terrible pictures – it’s already too dark to get good natural lighting, but they were too cute NOT to share. 🙂
The new gang will be up in my Etsy shop soon & I’ll also post the Paypal link directly on the blog for folks who don’t want to create an Etsy account. They are all 6″ x 6″ on beechwood blocks that are 3/4″ thick. These guys are thinner than the other critters I’ve painted which means they won’t stand as easily on a window ledge or bookshelf, but they also don’t stick out from the wall so much. Potato potahto.
And now? Off to catch a breath of fresh air before it gets completely dark outside! Have a fantabulous weekend lovelies!
damn skippy cute! envying your focus right now:).