My newest addition to the robot portrait series is Walter (Robot no.9). An amateur fisherman, Walter got hooked on the pastime after spending summer holidays at his uncle Stan's cabin in Saskatchewan. He loves to spend time on the water, despite the constant need to refresh his TruCoat Rust-Proof finish. He also enjoys campfires, s'mores… Continue reading Introducing Walter (Robot no.9)
Tag: robots
Limited Edition Metal Prints
I'm super excited to announce that my robot paintings are now available bigger than ever! Up until now, after the original painting has sold, I've only been able to offer prints up to 8x10. I've been working with a professional printer to come up with a new product that I adore - robots on metal!… Continue reading Limited Edition Metal Prints
My Favorite Vancouver Summer Festival
Summer in Vancouver is so chock full of fun things to do & fabulous weather that it's amazing anybody gets any work done at all. I say this as I'm sitting inside at my desk, listening to kids laughing outside & wishing I was at the park with my pups. But my favorite summer festival is… Continue reading My Favorite Vancouver Summer Festival