Rocky Mountaineer Train Station
1755 Cottrell Street
Sunday, June 27th
noon to 6 pm
I’ve spent the last couple of days getting prepped for Portobello West on Sunday, June 27th, and though I’m usually busy working on new lockets or magnets for an upcoming market, this one has got me doing some extra dashing about because I’ll be in a booth instead of my usual table. I’ve had to completely rethink my set up & I don’t think I can be 100% sure I’m ready until I actually am there & setting up. eep! These are the moments where I’m grateful to have an excellent mister who doesn’t even complain when he has to drive back home because I forgot something. He’s also very good at bringing me coffee. *grin*
After Sunday’s market I’ll have two days of school (one of which includes a presentation – do you have any idea how long it’s been since I had to stand in front of a class? With, like, people LOOKING at me???) and then it’s vacation time. I’m heading out to my parents’ cabin for a few days of relaxation. Lots of sleep, hopefully lots of sunshine and lots of walking along the ocean sounds like heaven right about now. I’m tempted to not bring any work at all, just my sketchbook. But with the Folk Festival coming up in only a couple of weeks, I should probably at least make some Scrabble tile pendants while I’m there, right? Three days off, really off with very limited internet access, feels incredibly decadent to me.
What are your summer plans? Do you take real time off or mostly working holidays?
good luck at PWest today.
as for summer holidays!! – the work only just begins on the first day of school being out. somehow i have to wrangle the mum-stuff, the housework and a teensy weensy bit of business work into a day dominated by having a child at home again.
IMO it’s not a holiday until school starts up again