Through the Looking Glass and Back Again A solo art exhibition featuring new paintings inspired by classic characters and the imagination. Massey Theatre (Plaskett Gallery) 735 Eighth Avenue New Westminster, BC opening reception: April 9th 6 to 9 pm show runs through end of June 2010 I've been talking about all the painting I've been… Continue reading Solo Show
Category: Life etc.
Ferry to Victoria
Ferry trips are still novel enough to me that they make any trip feel like a *real* holiday. I kept hoping I'd see a pod of dolphins or a big orca pop out of the water. Alas, no excitement, but I'm taking my grandma to the casino in Victoria, so I guess we'll have to… Continue reading Ferry to Victoria
Hello from Portland!
I finally caved to the Apple takeover and bought an iPhone to take with me on our roadtrip. So far it's been great and already proved its worth by allowing me to receive and reply to a few very important emails. Plus it's just fun! Assuming this blog post works out, it'll make posting on… Continue reading Hello from Portland!
Mmmmm bacon
Why yes, that IS bacon on my doughnut, thankyouverymuch. On my list of places to stop by while in Portland, my mister voted strongly in favor of Voodoo Donughts. We were not disappointed. Bacon sounds weird on a dessert, but the maple glaze and doughy goodness reminded me of bacon drizzled with syrup, sitting beside… Continue reading Mmmmm bacon
Printable Valentines
Last year I doodled some cute little Valentine's Day cards and put them up on the blog as a PDF file. I'm still smitten with them this year and I hope you will be too! You just have to download the file and then print it off at home onto some heavy paper or cardstock.… Continue reading Printable Valentines
Drat! Foiled Again
I had the loveliest afternoon planned with my mister the other day. First off - skating at the new outdoor ice rink in Robson Square: photo credit: entheos_fog via Flickr Now I haven't skated since I was a kid, but the weather has been nice, the skate rental was only $3 & I figured my… Continue reading Drat! Foiled Again
Goodbye 2009
Despite taking it easy for the last few days - visiting with family, playing with my nephews, eating lots of home-cooked, home-baked yumminess, sitting around our big farmhouse kitchen table to play cards - I still can't believe 2009 is over! This year flew past for me and I'm so, so excited to see what… Continue reading Goodbye 2009
Merry Christmas
Happy holidays everyone! I spent a quiet Christmas at home with the mister's parents, lots of new books and way too much food. Pretty much perfect! I've actually never stayed home for Christmas before; we always end up traveling to see his family or mine. It was a unique experience to have to cook the… Continue reading Merry Christmas
Happy Birthday to Meeeeee!
Having a birthday right around Christmas is not ideal. I usually get my presents lumped together or forgotten about completely, since everyone is already so busy with the holiday craziness. I totally understand - I'm swamped too. But it still kind of sucks. When I was a kid, most of my classmates couldn't come to… Continue reading Happy Birthday to Meeeeee!
Holiday Traditions
One of my favorite holiday traditions that always gets me in the Christmas spirit is baking shortbread cookies. I have fond memories of rolling the dough out with my mom, selecting which cookie cutter to use (to maximize the dough layout, of course) & then that smell. Mmmmmmm...nothing beats the smell of fresh baked cookies.… Continue reading Holiday Traditions