Despite taking it easy for the last few days – visiting with family, playing with my nephews, eating lots of home-cooked, home-baked yumminess, sitting around our big farmhouse kitchen table to play cards – I still can’t believe 2009 is over! This year flew past for me and I’m so, so excited to see what 2010 will bring.
I’m one of those annoying types who loves to plan and set goals and make lists. I’ve probably spent a solid hour poring over the day planners at 2 different shops and STILL have not found the perfect one. (I like the calendar laid out as 1 month on a page so I can jot in art show dates etc. & then the daily pages with more room for details. This is proving impossible to find, for some reason.)
Before I launch into 2010, I want to take a moment to say thank you. Thanks to each & every one of you who has made my 2009 experience a little brighter.
I have met so many wonderful people this year! From the folks who stop to leave a comment on my blog or send me a note on Twitter to my amazing customers who have supported my art and encouraged me to keep creating to my family who have supported me in a different, but oh so crucial way.
My mister has been unbelievably understanding during my busy, crazed deadlines and did things like interrupt an all night painting session just to bring me dinner. Literally – just dropped off a plate, then closed the door, not even expecting me to stop & eat *with* him. I’m so lucky to have such a fabulous partner in crime.
One of the highlights of my year was the insanely busy holiday market season. It was a huge success and I can’t help grinning when I think about how many people opened up gifts this Christmas that were from me. At some point I imagine myself walking past a complete stranger who is wearing one of my necklaces. With my art on it. That *I* made! Without tooting my own horn too much, how freaking cool is that??? 🙂
I realize it’s probably bad for my hip artist “cooler than thou” image to admit this stuff, but…pffft. I’m sure everyone who makes things goes through this. How fun is it to imagine Stephen King getting his picture taken standing in front of his first book on the shelf at a Barnes & Noble? heehee
My favorite moments of 2009 (in no particular order):
1) Organizing my First Group Show
I’d been part of group shows before, but they were only the type where the artist fills out a form and sends the work. Getting to be part of every detail from choosing the concept, the venue, designing the poster…awesome.
2) Hitting my 1 year Etsy Anniversary
Yay! I love selling my work online. I never would have dared to dream I could become a full time painter (or, more accurately, creator) if I hadn’t seen artists successfully representing themselves online. From personal websites to eBay to ArtFire, there are so many possibilities now that artists 20 years ago wouldn’t be able to fathom. I’ve shipped my art, a little piece of myself, all over the world. That feels amazing to me.
3) Selling My First Painting in a Gallery
The flip side to being a self-representing artist is, of course, buckling to the traditional idea that “real” artists sell their work in galleries. I’m incredibly fortunate to have found a gallery owner I adore, who works hard for her artists and who I’m actually happy to see earn 50% of my sales. I’m really looking forward to more group shows in 2010 and continuing to be inspired by the other amazing artists who show at Jem Gallery.
Work stuff aside, I had a fun year of personal highlights too – moving to a new house (still renting, but I love it here), going mountain biking for the first time (& not bailing), getting the pug to swim, flying in a sea plane.
I feel a little bit guilty posting such a rah rah cheerleader description of the past year, especially since I know so many people lost their jobs and their homes, but I hope you do get a moment to remind yourself of all of the good moments of 2009. And even if the bad outweighed the good, it’s the start of a new year – a clean slate full of possibilities!
What do you want to see in 2010?
What is your WILDEST dream?
If money was no object, if you could do anything, if you could BE anyone, what would that look like?
* ~ * Happy New Year!!! * ~ *
What a terrific recap of your year. Congrats… you are on your way to success and of course… your work is just amazing. I love your little New Year girl above. I too am from the Vancouver /Lower Mainland area so I hope we can connect some day! Cheers Christine