My table at Harmony Arts Festival. Such a beautiful day!
Category: Life etc.
Blog Therapy?
You know how when you have something big to do that you want to make really great, but you have very little time so you keep putting it aside until you have the time to devote your full attention to it? And then that NEVER SEEMS TO HAPPEN? Yeah. That's where I've been lately! You… Continue reading Blog Therapy?
Here Comes the Sun
Kits Beach (Photo by Canadian Veggie) One of my mister's best friends was just in town for a visit, so I got to play tourist in my own town as we showed him around for the week. His visit was timed perfectly with a crazy heat wave hitting Vancouver, timed perfectly unless you're part of… Continue reading Here Comes the Sun
Cabin Life
I had such a good time out on the island that I kind of wish we didn't have to come home! It's so quiet out there & the have this ^^^ amazing view. We climbed down every morning to dig around on the rocks & in the tide pools, which I always do when I'm… Continue reading Cabin Life
Pug is loving the island! Purple starfish everwhere!!
Pug is loving the island! Purple starfish everwhere!! Originally uploaded by acageybee
Canadian Traffic Jam
Ruh roh! Apparently the geese were out celebrating Canada Day a little early! On my way home from art class yesterday I ran into this gaggle of geese (yes, I did have to Google "What is a flock of geese called?") blocking the sea wall. This is a perfect example of why I love taking… Continue reading Canadian Traffic Jam
Pug at the beach
Took the pooches to the dog beach today just as it was starting to cloud over. Still warm & muggy & great for exploring the rocks. TONS of tiny little crabs to watch as they scurried about! The pug loves the water. He only goes in up to his belly, but he could spend hours… Continue reading Pug at the beach
Mother’s Day
In case you're the forgetful sort (like me!) & didn't pick up a card yet, I put together a printable Mother's Day card as a PDF last year. You just need to download the file & print it out. Easy peasey! My mom & dad are in town this weekend & I have to say,… Continue reading Mother’s Day
Working on my Fitness
Best $10 I've spent in a good long while? A jump rope. I spend so much time sitting or standing in one spot, whether I'm painting or packaging orders or making jewelry, that it's about time I got some exercise. I walk the dogs every day, but my pooches are both senior citizens, so that's… Continue reading Working on my Fitness
My new Vans are not faring too well. I managed to sink into some very muddy grass while walking the pooches the other day, but only 1 of my new kicks got dirty. As soon as I got home I scrubbed the mud off & was breathing a sigh of relief as I laid it… Continue reading Vantastrophe!