In the Shop

YART Sale!


The Etsy Supply Street Team has collaborated with a bunch of other Etsy sellers to host a giant sale for the next couple of days. You can check out the free shipping gift guide here and for my own shop, I’ve now added a sale section. Yay! Bargains are a very good thing at the best of times and with the economy still slumping, it’s an extra good thing.

In the new Cagey Bee SALE section you’ll find a handful of prints marked down to only $13 plus several original paintings that now offer free shipping. Happy bargain hunting!

Now I’m off to finish up a bit more work before the hockey game starts tonight. We’re planning to have some friends over to watch the final game of the Stanley Cup & I haven’t even thought about what I should make for snacks. Something summery I think. Suggestions?

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