freebies, Life etc.

Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is usually a pretty low key event around here. I’m not particularly romantic myself & the artifice of the holiday has always left a bad taste in my mouth. When I was a kid though, I remember spending hours picking out the perfect valentine cards for my boy crush and my best friends from those big books of cut out cards. My mom, being the pretty great lady that she is, insisted that if I wanted to give 1 person in my class a valentine card, then I had to give EVERYONE in my class a valentine card. She was sure that I was pretty and smart and popular (though I was never convinced of that) and that someone would have hurt feelings if they were left out.

I hated doing it at the time and felt silly giving cards to people who didn’t give me one, but I’m glad my mom made me do it. Better to take a chance  and do something nice, even if it’s not reciprocated. There were probably at least 1 or 2 kids who really appreciated it.

In that spirit, here are some valentines for you to make and share!

A few years ago I doodled some cute little Valentine’s Day cards and put them up on the blog as a PDF file. I’m still smitten with them this year and I hope you will be too!

You just have to download the file and then print it off at home onto some heavy paper or cardstock. Cut them out and voila! Totally free Valentines for you to give to your special someones. Yay!

Download the PDF here

If you’ve never downloaded a PDF before, you may need to install a program to open it. The most common (& free) one is Adobe Acrobat.

printable valentines

printed on card stock & cut out

Happy Valentine’s Day!


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