In the Shop

Craft Show Success

My first craft show

I’m thrilled to report that my first craft show was a huge success (though this photo clearly wasn’t). My helper monkey Jen was there for moral support and ended up being a great salesgirl too. It was much easier for her to say things like, “This one’s my favorite! And no, I’m not the artist”. heh

I met some really wonderful people (fellow booth buddies Tanis Alexis, Stitchella & of course, Melanie, the organizer) got tips on what craft shows I should apply for next, got ideas and a couple of leads on local stores that are interested in displaying my work – all in all, awesome. Oh and the sales weren’t bad either!

From a strictly business standpoint it was an excellent learning experience to see which of my paintings drew people in and what sold best. But from a strictly human standpoint, it felt amazing to see people’s faces light up when they saw my work. I can’t begin to express how much joy I felt every time someone walked around the corner, glanced at my booth and broke out in a huge grin.

Since I mostly sell my work online, this was a new experience for me. Sure I’ve had wonderful feedback from friends and family members who’ve seen my work, but they have to be nice. Or at least polite. Craft show patrons walking by my table without even glancing up to notice that the artist IS within earshot? I braced myself for some harsh criticism and breathed a sigh of relief when none came. And then I did a little happy dance.Β  πŸ™‚

The new products I put together for the show went over really well and I’ll be listing what’s left in the shop this week. I’ve already added a postcard pack of 10 “Umbrella Girl” notecards to the card section. Check ’em out:

2 thoughts on “Craft Show Success”

  1. Hi !

    I’m glad to read that you had a really good day with this show. No surprised that people liked your work: it’s amazing πŸ˜‰

    I hope we may meet when we’ll be in Vancouver (currently packing and searching for a home, january will arrive so soon now !)


  2. KGB! πŸ™‚ Hey you! So happy that your show went well! It would be terrifying to be RIGHT there to hear comments from people walking by…I’m glad the happy dance was the end result. πŸ˜€

    Huge hug, and hope to see you all soon.

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