Events, In the Shop

Market Recap Plus New Bookplates

craft show table

I had a great time at the Blim Community Market on Sunday, despite rushing back from Seattle late Saturday & getting very little sleep. It was a rainy day, so the shoppers were a little sparse, but that meant that I had time to chat with my neighbors & even do a little shopping of my own. How cute are my new earrings from The Tiny Fig??? Love ’em!

One of the things I love about doing local craft markets is getting feedback on new products. I’m always trying to come up with something new so customers have a reason to return to my table month after month to see what I’ve been up to. (Unfortunately the shows have been taking up so much of my time that I have been falling behind in updating my online shop. If they ever master cloning, I could use an extra k.g.b. to shoot photos & list all of my new goodies while I’m in the studio painting. Wouldn’t that be nice?)

That said, I *do* have something new in the shop today – Acorn Bookplates ready to be personalized with your name!


I love the tradition of bookplates & am thrilled to add a second design to my growing bookplate collection. I’m sure the pot-bellied robot will play nice with the acorn girl. Right?

If you’re a Vancouver local & want to catch me this summer, here’s a list of where I’ll be over the next few weeks:

Upcoming Markets

May 30th ~ Portobello West

June 20th ~ Main Street Car Free Day

June 27th ~ Portobello West

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