In case you’re the forgetful sort (like me!) & didn’t pick up a card yet, I put together a printable Mother’s Day card as a PDF last year. You just need to download the file & print it out. Easy peasey!
My mom & dad are in town this weekend & I have to say, I’m really looking forward to spending Mother’s Day with my mom. I’ve lived in a different city since I was 19 years old, so phone calls and maybe a card, if I remembered early enough, were about the extent of my Mother’s Day festivities. I always talked to my mom on the phone a lot throughout the year & tried to visit as often as I could, so I’m sure she knows how much I appreciate her, but still. It’ll be nice to spend the day together on Sunday.
We probably won’t do anything particularly exciting. I’m thinking puttering around in the garden (which is great because I have no clue what I’m doing out there), a BBQ on the deck, maybe a walk along the sea wall if we’re feeling ambitious. It’s amazing how well I get along with my parents when it’s just us. Big family gatherings (like Christmas) when there are piles of people always seem to stress everyone out & we end up with at least one bickering blow-out at some point. Multiple people trying to talk at the same time fry my ADD brain. Trying to focus on one conversation while others are going on is like trying to get my pug to pay attention to me in a room full of squirrels.
Squirrels aside, I’m incredibly grateful to have such a supportive mom. She was 100% behind me wanting to pursue making art for a living. She encouraged me to travel after high school instead of pushing me to go to college right away. She’s always there for me & never makes me feel guilty about needing help when I have needed it. She rocks.
Now that I’m a mom myself (step-mom, technically), I appreciate even more what a great job she did raising me. I know how frustrating kids can be & I now catch my stepson doing the things that I used to do (that drove my mom up the wall). Why does he go all the way downstairs to pull a pair of jeans out of the dryer BUT LEAVE THE REST OF THE CLOTHES IN THERE? Why??? The hard part was walking all the way downstairs, so once you’re there, you might as well bring up ALL of your clothes, right? No. And you know what? I did that too.
I left my stuff all over the house. Books, nail polish, homework…whatever. My mom would eventually collect it & put it on the stairs for me to take up to my room. I’d walk past it a dozen times before she would finally snap & yell at me & THEN I’d bring it upstairs. I have no idea why I did this, but I swear to god I just didn’t see it. And my boy? Same thing. Argh!!!
Happy Mother’s Day to all the mommas out there!